PlayStation VR Standing On The Brink of Success


PlayStation VR Standing On The Brink of Success
Author: S.A.

In the new year, comes new facts, and the wind is blowing pleasantly for Sony. With an estimated 36 million units sold on their latest endeavour, the PS4, business has been looking good for the gaming giant. That said, it stands to get even better with their newest addition to the game, the VR helmet.

PlayStation-VRVR Helmet

While there are other competitors in the field of VR technology, such as the Oculus Rift, they aren’t as primed for success as Sony seems to be. This success lays purely in the one factor that affects all gamers, and that is money. The cost of being able to use the VR technology for either the PC or a console system seems to be astronomical in comparison.

These statements aren’t baseless, and lay in the heart of available systems capable of performing to the stands required to use their counterparts VR technology. In recent news, the company that handles the lion share of graphics, GPU maker Nvidia, has estimated that when the Oculus Rift finally drops later in this year, only 13 million PCs will be truly capable of running the full VR experience. The simple fact is, not all computers can run the heavy demand placed on them from the VR component. This factor only puts Sony in a staggering better position than it’s competition. For they have, as previously stated, sold up to 36 million units as to date of the PS4. All of which are optimized to use their VR technology. This means no issues for Sony users.

The question than may lay in how about simply building a gaming PC, after all, if others gamers can buy a gaming console that is capable of running VR technology on it than building one should hardly be an issue. However, Oculus and Nvida have both stated that to build a computer capable of handling the software needed for the VR a consumer would have to spend upwards of a $1000 dollars on their set up. This of course, does not include the actual cost of buying the Oculus Rift itself. The price of which is hovering around $599 at the current moment. That said, full cost of a PC VR experience is ranging to about $1600 for the average consumer. While the PS4 can be bought at around the price of $420, and we don’t picture there VR component to cost more than the Oculus. Which puts the Sony experience at a minimum of $600 dollars cheaper than it’s competitor.

Nice Job Sony!

All in all, while I believe that the Oculus Rift will be a great piece of machinery I just don’t know if it will sell nearly as much as the PlayStation VR. The numbers aren’t leaning in their favour. While Sony is gearing up for a huge win.

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