Titanfall Getting Polished


Titanfall Getting Polished
Author: S.A.

At this point in our gaming careers shooting games are a dime a dozen. It’s as if every company out there wants to cash in on the success that Black Ops series has managed or the Call of Duty franchise. That said, its easy to forget half the shooting games out there as just extra junk in the market unless they have a defining feature to them. A defining feature such as running across walls to traverse the landscape, and having a giant fighting robot at your beck and call.

Titanfall-1Yeah that’s kinda memorable.

Everyone’s favourite shooting game seems to be coming back to the console soon, and is getting itself a nice new coat of graphics while in the shop it seems. That’s right folks Titanfall, Respawn Entertainment’s miracle child, is in the shop and according to Electronic Arts CEO Andrew Wilson “it’s looking fantastic”. Though he refrained from going into detail on what ‘fantastic’ meant.

Wilson then went on to say that EA has nothing but “great faith in Respawn to build a spectacular game”, telling his lovely interviewers over at Gamestop that any more details on the game will be given at a later time. Though with the title not even officially announced yet this was easily expected, to much will change during the initial building process for companies to comfortable speak on what their title has to offer.

There silence might be only temporary though, with another E3 event coming to us in June, EA might give us some information in the near future. Any speculation on the actual release date by myself will only cause far to many disappointed fans and angry readers.

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