Remember Me


Remember Me Review
Platform: PC,PS3, Xbox360
Developer: Dontnod Entertainment
Publisher: Capcom
Author: S.A.

This game had unique premise that concentrated on the year 2084, where in which one of the most important aspects of the human life, our memories, is now traded and shifted around by a huge corporation. The company, Memorize, has invented a brain implant called the Sensen, which enables its users the ability to upload and share their most intimate memories on the net. It also allows users to remove their most unpleasant ones. The citizens of Neo-Paris are addicted to this new type of control and willingly relish in its abilities. While Memorize itself has been given an absurd amount of control over the population because of their dependency on them, and have managed to establish a surveillance state. Where there is a state of control though, there is those who oppose it.

Article_stub                                             She doesn’t take prisoners.
That’s where Nilin fits into this story, a woman capable of changing the very memories stored in your Sensen. She is part of a small group of rebels that have gathered under the monicker “Errorists”. Their mission simple enough, bring down Memorize….the multi-billion dollar company with goons to spare. If that wasn’t enough to contend with, the over use of the Sensen has created mutants called Leapers. They are creature that have absorbed so many memories through their Sensen that they have mutated into a subhuman form, and live in the sewers of Neo-Paris. Often ignored by its citizens, after all, if their is no problem they need no solution.

Leapers_beauty_shot                  These guys you could definitely bring home to the parents.

While having an interesting story, I felt that the gameplay for Remember Me was to easy to master and plow through. That isn’t to say that it doesn’t make it enjoyable, but rather if you’re looking for a hard game that will have you biting your lip at the end of each fight? This isn’t for you. The game features a mixture of platforming, exploration and melee combat. This is all done from a third person perspective, and also features Nilin’s unique ability to memory mix. Which essentially means she plays god and not only steals memories, but also changes the memories that people hold dear to them for her own purposes. If someone doesn’t agree with your outlook on life? Change their memories, it seems to be a very effective tool.

The actual combat of the game allows users to customize their own combo moves, in what Capcom has dubbed the ‘Combo Lab’. The originality of the name floored me, truly. Their were four different groups of combos powers to choose from, called Pressens, each with their own unique purpose in the world of Remember Me. One group of combos, and the simplest to understand, was the ‘Power’ pressen, which concentrated on handing out extreme melee damage. The next given to the player in the game was the ‘Regen’ pressen. It’s definitely a handy ability, that sacrifices power for the ability to gain health through the completion of a successful combo. Then we have the ‘cool down’ pressen that caters towards the special abilities that will be discovered through out the game. When you successful complete a cool down combo it, like the name implies, lowers the cool down time for when you can next use your special abilities. It’s a huge trade off of power for the chance to rip into your opponent with your more special tactics. Finally we have the ‘Chain’ pressen, which allows for the duplication and doubling the effects of previous moves. If that doesn’t sound handy, I don’t know what does.

Remember_Me_SS_3                                 These guy’s very rarely have a chance.

The A.I. fighting system is rather easy to predict, and on easier difficulties features a warning label above them (think the batman games) that allows you to know when they will attack. From there its a simple dodge and slug fest that one can rarely loose if they are playing smart.

The audio in the game features some pretty tracks, but nothing that truly is tantalizing for the taste buds. It also suffers from bad voice overs, often having a character talk and not matching up with the voice actors that are simulating them. The graphics for the game are pretty, and feature a beautiful back drop in the form of Neo – Paris, which is often beautifully rendered in pan away shots.

In conclusion, the game is fun enough to play, but I am unlikely to play it again. If you can grab the game real cheap, which you should be considering its age, than pick it up for an afternoon play session. That said, don’t go rushing out to buy it, the market is still filled with better grabs.

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