A New Enemy Rises in MOON KNIGHT #188!


Your first look as Max Bemis and Jacen Burrows take on the Marvel superhero!

New York, NY—October 11, 2017—Everyone’s favorite superhero oddball is about to have a new beginning in Marvel Legacy, as Max Bemis and Jacen Burrows have teamed up for an explosive story in MOON KNIGHT #188.

“Max and I are really striving to put something together that is unique and interesting while drawing from Moon Knight’s long history,” said series artist Jacen Burrows. “This next chapter in Moon Knight’s life is going to permanently affect this character’s path and we are working hard live up to the task.”

While Moon Knight may have vanquished his mental demons, it doesn’t mean that he’s not in for trouble with a mysterious new nemesis – a dangerous enemy who will change his life forever and keep him from the shadows.

“Moon Knight has been in a sort of creative renaissance since Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey relaunched the character in 2014, all the way through the amazing arc recently completed by Jeff Lemire, Greg Smallwood and company,” said Burrows. “We hope to continue this by making the next important chapter in Marc Spector’s life thought provoking, intense, a little scary, and a little funny.”


Written by MAX BEMIS

Art and Cover by JACEN BURROWS

FOC – 10/16/17, On-Sale – 11/08/17

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