Quantum Break


Quantum Break
Platform: Xbox One
Developer: Remedy Entertainment
Publisher: Microsoft Studios
Release Date: April 5, 2015
Author: K.D.

When thinking about interactive games, Metal Gear Solid IV and Heavy Rain are popular titles that come to mind. Well, move over, ‘cause here comes a brand spankin’ new game that will redefine the interactive game genre. Quantum Break, the brain child of Remedy who also produced Alan Wake, answered Microsoft’s call for something different. Though Alan Wake was a pretty decent game, commercially it didn’t do well. So the company began working on an alternative.

Hehe… Iceman from the X-Men movies can freeze time now!

So what is Quantum Break? It’s exactly what it sounds like—TIME TRAVEL! None of the wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey, though. Time travel experiments at a fictional university go awry causing ruptures in time across the world. Three people in the initial blast area develop time-related abilities. The main antagonist, Paul Serene, becomes prophetic and makes choices in order to achieve his goals. Jack Joyce (playable character), one of the two protagonists, develops the ability to freeze time, while still allowing himself the ability move freely, among other time-related abilities. Honestly, this sounds suspiciously like InFamous. However, where it differs is that among the fast-paced action sequences, there are also larger puzzles to solve.

So what’s the hype for this game? Well, you see… the gameplay is only HALF of the story. The game is divided up into four episodes, and each episode is split into two sections. The first section involves gameplay chronicling the protagonists’ progress. The second part is a 22-minute short film (with actors from popular television shows!) which progresses the villain’s story. So the only way to really put together the full story is to compare both halves. Remedy has made it optional to skip through these short films, but it’s obviously in your best interest to watch them. And don’t forget that your story changes depending on your actions!

Looks, it’s a quantum break, time-shifty thing! 😀

This looks like a pretty neat game that you should keep your eye on for the next little while! Check out the demo gameplay on Youtube. And despite what people may be saying, Remedy has assured everyone that Quantum Break is an Xbox One exclusive. Makes me heavily consider getting an Xbox One just to play it!

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