James Gunn Unleashes Evil in Brightburn Trailer


Imagine if you lived in a small rural town and you were doing just enough to get by. You are married but the chances of having children are very slim as you have tried everything. Then one night the answer to your prayers came from the heavens. Would you do everything in your power to protect your son even though he is powerful in his own right? This is the premise behind James Gunn’s new movie called Brightburn.

This movie follows a couple who had rescued a small infant from what looks to be a crashed meteor. They have always wanted a son so this was their chance to have a child and raise him as their own. However, things have taken a darker turn as the child is experiencing his new found powers and not in a way that is good. This along with the strange designs that he is drawing over and over again shows that the kid is definitely not all right.

Brightburn stars Elizabeth Banks and David Denman as the couple who find the boy as well as Jackson A Dunn as the boy himself. This looks to be a darker version of the iconic Superman story where the Kent’s rescued a boy from a crashed spacecraft and raised him as their own. To me I am very excited to see this release as James Gunn has worked on other horror movies such as Slither and my personal favorite Dawn of the Dead.

Brightburn will be released next year on Memorial Day but what do you think? Are you excited for this retelling of a popular classic? Let us know! We love to hear from you!