Diablo 3 Eternal Collection: Nintendo Switch Bundle


Blizzard has decided that one of its biggest hits, Diablo, will be making its way to our newest handheld system. That’s right, to those of you who didn’t know, the Nintendo Switch will be home to Diablo 3: Eternal Collection.

That said, to make sure collectors of the game are truly satisfied, it seems like Nintendo and Blizzard have teamed up to launch a Diablo Bundle. The bundle pack, as you can see below, includes a carrying case for the console, some Diablo artwork on the system and the dock, and a download code for the game.

For those looking to buy the Switch this isn’t a bad deal, as the whole package costs what a regular Nintendo Switch would run you, about $359.99, but with the added benefit of having a free carrying case thrown into the mix.

For those of you swaying on whether or not to buy Diablo 3 for the Switch, it’s also worth

noting that it does come with a few extra perks as well due to their team up with Nintendo. The Nintendo Switch version of the Diablo 3: Eternal Collection will include the following: Cucco pet and golden Triforce frame, and the Ganondorf armor set. Admittedly they are small perks, but hey you never know what might sway a gamers purchase. If I didn’t own a Switch already the extra case might have swayed my decision as I still need to buy one for my own Nintendo Switch.

Diablo 3 Eternal Collection launches Nov 2nd, so you still have some time to decide on whether or not you will pick it up.