Review: Justice League #29


Warning: Review may contain spoilers!

There are many villians spread out in the DC Universe however, one of them gets taken for granted and that is Starro. This monster also known as Starro the Conqueror has the ability to possess other creatures and take them over. Now the Justice League has to deal with this threat but will they be able to adapt or will they fall under the rule of Starro?

Justice League #29 begins as we see the backstory of Starro the Conqueror and how he has spread far and wide throughout the galaxy. We also know that part of him is in Metropolis as Jarro is a small spawn of Starro and he thinks that Batman is his dad. When the Legion of Doom enter the picture and try to end Jarro it sparks a chain of events that might spell doom for the entire world. I don’t want to give too much away but it sets up things perfectly for the next issue and you will not want to miss that. 

This issue was written by Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV who have both written for Marvel, DC and Image as well. The art of the book has been done by the very talented Bruno Redondo who has worked on a myriad of titles for DC. If you love the Justice League then you need to check out the latest issue of this comic and for more information on this and other comics go to and prepare for the coming of Starro the Conqueror.