Robert Kirkman’s Outcast is Coming to An End


I have been a fan of Robert Kirkman’s work for quite sometime starting out with the Astounding Wolfman and of course his magnum opus The Walking Dead. One of the lesser known titles has been Outcast which centers on a young man who has been plagued by demonic possession his entire life. One day he decides to seek out answers to his own affliction however, unknown to him that his own events will set a course of destruction for the entire world.

This series has been running strong and today Robert Kirkman announced that the final arc will launch and the book will end on issue #48. In a statement Robert Kirkman said:

“It’s been a long road getting here–but I’ve said since the beginning Outcast was the first series I started where I had the ending planned before we began,” said Kirkman. “We’ve been building to what’s coming since the very first issue and it’s great to finally be at the point where we can tell this final epic storyline! Working with Paul has been an absolute thrill and I’m extremely proud of what we’ve done together over what will be a five year journey.”

You can experience the last of Outcast with issue # 37 which will be in stores December 19th, 2018. Have you been reading this series? Are you sad that this comic is coming to an end? Let us know!