BETTY & VERONICA is a mini-series written by Jamie L. Rotante with art by Sandra Lanz and Kelly Fitzpatrick with lettering by Jack Morelli, in which Betty and Veronica enter their senior year of high school! This is the final issue.

BETTY & VERONICA #5 goes on-sale May 8.

BETTY & VERONICA #5 (of 5)

“SUMMER,” pt. 5: Graduation day is here! Betty and Veronica have finally made peace with their decisions and vow to make this a summer to remember. What lies in the future for the BFFs? You may be surprised to find out!

Script: Jamie Lee Rotante
Art: Sandra Lanz, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Jack Morelli
Cover: Sandra Lanz
Covers: Sanya Anwar, Lissy Marlin
On Sale Date: 5/8
32-page, full color comic
$3.99 U.S.