
It was announced during Dark Horse’s “The Art of Video Games” panel at this year’s Comic Con International that Dark Horse would develop and manufacture a line of replicas based on the ships and vehicles which have appeared in the multi-million selling video game franchise, “Halo®!”

Furthering the arrangement between 343 Industries and Dark Horse, which has to date, produced two blockbuster comics series with canonical storylines written by writers from the video game franchise, this news is sure to excite gamers and collectors alike!

The product category was created in 2005 with the massively successful line of ships from Joss Whedon’s “Serenity,” which was soon followed by a popular line based on Bioware’s “Mass Effect” series, to great success and the unanimous approval of gamers, collectors, and comic fans!

“We are excited to be working with the team at 343 Industries,” Dark Horse product development head David Scroggy said. “We have already had some fruitful planning meetings. We are discovering we have a similar vision toward crafting a well thought-out program of ship and vehicle replicas that will resonate with the Halo community.”

“Dark Horse is already doing an amazing job bringing the Halo universe to life with us in the comics and we’re excited to partner with them in a brand new way to keep the surprises coming for fans,” said Kevin Grace, Halo Franchise Manager at 343 Industries.

While 343 Industries and Dark Horse are not yet ready to disclose which ships and vehicles will be included in the program, fans and retailers are encouraged to keep an eye on the news in the coming months for more information!

The “Halo” Franchise:
The “Halo” franchise is an award-winning collection of properties that have transcended video games and grown into a global entertainment phenomenon. Beginning with the original “Halo: Combat Evolved” (2001), the critically acclaimed and record-shattering series of games have reinvented how people think about video games and has since built a fan base of millions worldwide and inspired multiple New York Times best-selling novels, a live-action digital series, comic books, action figures, apparel and more.

Published by Microsoft Studios, the “Halo” franchise of games is exclusive to Xbox platforms, Windows 8 PCs, tablets, and Windows Phone 8 devices. To date, more than 60 million copies of “Halo” games have been sold worldwide, driving over 6 billion hours of gameplay by fans connected to Xbox Live.


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