How To Make Your Cosplay Stand Out From the Crowd

How To Make Your Cosplay Stand Out From the Crowd

There’s nothing more exciting than seeing or dressing as one of your favorite characters. Often, we have imagined meeting them or being them, and conventions allow us the opportunity to do both. Conventions like Comicon are something many of us look forward to all year as we painstakingly plan out what we will wear.

There’s a sort of healthy competition that comes from these conventions, even if it’s with previously-worn outfits. To one-up yourself, here are some tips to help make your cosplay stand apart from the crowd.

Make It Unique

When brainstorming and creating your costume, try to think of ways you can add unique touches to it. When you add something unique or eye-catching, it takes your costume to the next level. For example, if your costume requires a wig, consider making the wig with pool noodles rather than buying one online. This change will add a dynamic appearance to your entire costume that will have heads turning for hours.

Practice Makes Perfect

You don’t want the first time you put on the outfit and don all the gear to be right before you attend the convention. Theaters from Broadway to your local school performance will have a couple of tryouts or preview performances. The reason for this is that anything can go wrong, and it allows you to prepare for it. Moreover, you can see the outfit, hair, and makeup complete and tweak or re-arrange some things.

Channel Your Character

There’s a huge difference between wearing a costume and truly embodying the character. Sometimes when you don the entire garb, you notice that your energy changes, and you act differently. If you have ever participated in a play, then you know what this is like. What’s more, people around you will also notice this change, which is the tiny detail that can make your cosplay stand out from the crowd. Playing the part is 60 percent of the costume, so channel your character and get out there.