Like Father, Like Son. Your New Look Inside NICK FURY #1! 

New York, NY—March 21st, 2017 — The world is a more dangerous place than ever. It needs dangerous men to keep it safe. That’s where he comes in. When you need a lone agent to infiltrate, capture, uncover or destroy – there’s no one better than Fury! Today, Marvel is pleased to present your new look at NICK FURY #1 – the all-new series bringing the high-octane spy action to your local comic shop on April 19th! Eisner Award-winning writer James Robinson (Scarlet Witch, Cable) joins visionary artist ACO (Squadron Supreme) for a high-octane spy-thriller full of action and dripping with style!

Whether it’s aboard a speeding train, in the underwater city of Atlantis or even the surface of the moon – Fury gets the job done! His first mission? A trip to the beautiful French Riviera! Only this is no vacation. Amid the bright casino lights and beautiful picturesque vistas, there’s something foul at play.

Every issue: New mission. High-tech weapons. Higher stakes espionage. Non-stop action.  He’ll dare any danger. He’ll fight any foe. He is…Nick Fury! And he’s exploding into comic shops everywhere in the can’t-miss NICK FURY #1 – on-sale April 19th!

NICK FURY #1 (FEB170811)
Art & Cover by ACO
Variant Covers by GREG LAND (FEB170812) and LARRY STROMAN (FEB170813)
Hip-Hop Variant by BILL SIENKIEWICZ (FEB170814)
Action Figure Variant by JOHN TYLER CHRISTOPHER (FEB170815)

FOC – 03/27/17, On-Sale – 04/19/17

 To find a comic shop near you, visit or call 1-888-comicbook. 


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