

Tower Fall
Platform: PS4, PC, Playstation Vita
: Matt Thorson

There is only one word that accurately describe this hit indie game, and that would be fun. Hours of fun is contained within this hidden gem of a game, all of which is brought to us by developer Matt Thorson. TowerFall is a must get for those who enjoy challenging their friends to a good old fashion fight or flight night, and often will have more than a few individuals crying out in anger due to an unexpected loss.

TowerFall features up to four playable characters on screen, all of which are battling for supremacy in a very small and contained 2d world. These individuals must use an assortment of arrows, all of which have their own special functions, to shoot down their prey. When you run out of arrows, you can just kill your foe the old fashion way, by jumping on the head of the offending party. All while doing the best you can to avoid the same fate in this battle royal.

During this battle frenzy, keep note of how many arrows your character has on their person. This is viewable above your ever moving characters head and shows the limited supply available to your person. This ever decreasing number can be replenished by picking up dropped arrows that have missed their mark, and thus are laying on the floor waiting to be claimed. Arrows also can be found hidden within treasure chests that hold a plethora of different gifts for those bold enough to claim them first. These gifts range from shields, wings to help with flight, and even invisibility. However the most daring way to gain back arrows is to catch those being shot at you. That is to say, with quick timing, and a bit of luck, you may steal your opponents arrows mid flight. Then proceed to teach them a lesson they shall never forget.
TowerFall_unluckyA normal round of TowerFall

Essentially the feel of this game is as close to super smash brothers as you can get, if you remove all the special moves available to your character.

If you ever get tired of battling it out against your friends, highly unlikely, you can choose to instead work with them in a coop campaign. This involves going around and hitting randomly generated enemies in waves, and sharing a health pool with your team mates that proves to disappear rather quickly.

Either way this game is horribly entertaining and I feel like your missing out if you aren’t playing it yet.
Go get it. Now.

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