Devil May Cry 4


Devil May Cry 4 Review
Platform: PS3, Xbox 360, Pc
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Author: S.A.

                       It was the fourth edition of an already popular franchise game, and didn’t fail to deliver. Devil May Cry 4 is definitely a game worth playing, though admittedly it does nothing earth shattering in terms of both game play or story in comparison to its previous renditions. The game concentrates on our two protagonists, the returning hero Dante, and our new addition Nero. In an odd quirk of fate they happen to clash swords at the beginning of the game and fail to best one another, proving that Nero is nothing to scoff at in terms of sheer raw talent and strength.

devil-may-cry-4-wallpaper-dante-and-nero                                                 Our boys don’t seem fond of one another.
The story in truth is nothing of real interest, concentrating on aspects that Devil Cry loves best, Dante, Demons, and Death. The real fun lies in the gameplay style, wherein which you’re rewarded on how well you can “style” your fighting system. What this means is that while you progress through levels, or what the game actually calls missions, your performance will be graded and affect how you can upgrade yourself at the end of every chapter. Your style ranking will go up based on how you progress through the enemies scattered throughout the game. You will be rewarded with higher rankings if you have unbroken combos, varied with different styles of fighting, which you will quickly gain the hang of through the simplistic controls.

150424155050109It’s a bird, it’s a plane…It’s bullets raining from above? O this looks like a fun way to kill.

The player has to avoid being hit to continue their combo, so make sure to memorize the attack patterns coming your way. Your ace in the hole lies with your Devil Trigger, which is a super human state that allows not only health regeneration, but also increased damage and flashier moves. This move is limited in duration though, and can only be accessed when the Devil Gauge is full. The catch to the devil gauge being that to fill it one must kill monsters..repeatedly…so lets go hunting. Whats important to note though is that while the protagonist has a different set of combos available to them, the abilities seem to be relatively the same. You depend on your gun and sword for interchangeable fighting, and use your devil trigger to make it through any big pinches.

NDT_DMC4                                                 Even in a pinch…The devils will always prevail.
                  The music that is featured in the game often has a punk vibe to it and can usually keep you in the hack and slash mood for quite some time, but doesn’t really have any memorable pieces scattered throughout its itinerary. Though the graphics, blood, and gore scattered through out the game are truly a fun site to behold. Letting us really feel like we’re ripping through hordes of monsters again, and again…and again.

In summary Devil May Cry 4 is a fun hack and slash, with a sub par story and likeable characters. However its not something you’d really play more than once, unless you were aiming for all the collectibles and achievements. Pick it up if you want a cheap game to fill your time, or don’t. It’s not like the Son of Sparta will come and kill you.

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