Zelda: Breath of The Wild Gameplay


Zelda: Breath of The Wild Gameplay

Nintendo is bringing their biggest franchise a breath of new life, and showing fans everywhere that Zelda has no where to go but up, in terms of game play. Their newest game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, is a game that is meant to break boundaries in comparison to previous games in the series. It makes you travel across fields, through forests and to mountain peaks in an effort to understand what has happened to the ruined Kingdom of Hyrule.

Here’s Nintendo’s Newest Gameplay trailer, featured during E3:

As you can see, the game is beautifully rendered but yet gives away next to no information on what is happening within the world of Hyrule. It’s a game that is full of intrigue and mystery, and something that everyone should pick up – should they have the right console to play it.

Though this might be reason enough to pick up the latest Nintendo Console.

the_legend_of_zelda_breath_of_the_wild_e3_2016-10-1152x648With a world that features over a 100 shrines to search through, and an even larger number of puzzle to solve – this Zelda game is sure to be a game that will soak up hours of your life. So be prepared gamers, Zelda will be with us soon.

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