Original Artwork Auction


The Heritage Auctions for the one-of-a-kind variant of IDW’s My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic #12 and the original cover artwork by fan-favorite Sara Richard closed on August 9 raising a total of $8,750*, with the one-of-a-kind variant ending at $5,500 and the Richard original cover artwork ending at $3,250.

The proceeds of the auctions are earmarked to benefit Give Kids The World, a non-profit organization that provides children from around the world with life-threatening illnesses and their families a memorable and cost-free visit to Central Florida attractions.

IDW, Hasbro, and Heritage Auctions would like to extend a big “thank you” to everyone who participated in the auctions and helped to raise this impressive donation for Give Kids The World. A special “thanks” goes to Sara Richards for her generous donation of the original artwork, which greatly contributed to the success of this charitable effort.

MY LITTLE PONY is an evergreen lifestyle brand that continues to be a worldwide perennial favorite. The “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” animated series is created by Hasbro Studios and is currently airing on The Hub TV Network in the United States and can be seen globally in over 180 territories.


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