Garbage Pail Kids Get A Comic-Book Series


Topps’ Garbage Pail Kids, the 1980s sensation, will have readers squirming with delight this winter as the obscene adolescents star in a brand-new comic-book series from IDW Publishing. With the likes of Adam BombLeaky Lindsay, and New Wave Dave populating the Garbage Pail Kids universe, the delightfully deformed and often downright disgusting Kids are set to make their mark on the world of comics, just in time for their 30th Anniversary in 2015!

“As a child of the Eighties, I was at ground zero for theGarbage Pail Kids phenomenon,” series editor Denton J. Tipton said. “The profoundly irreverent stickers spoke directly to the rascal inside each and every one of my classmates, and helped us drive our teachers to the brink of insanity. I couldn’t be more happy to be working with some of the giants of alternative comics to push the buttons of an entirely new generation of educators, many of which likely remember when the poo-covered sneaker was on the other foot.”

Created by Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Art Spiegelman and a group of avant garde humorists including Mark Newgarden, John Pound, Tom Bunkand others, the Garbage Pail Kids debuted in 1985 from Topps, as the furor for trading cards was at an all-time high.  Like MAD Magazine and Topps’ own Wacky Packages before it, Garbage Pail Kids succeeded as a tongue-in-cheek send-up of pop culture, depicting quite the opposite of the “cute” approach to all-ages entertainment of the day.

“Having grown up with GPK and sharing my name with the flagship character, I can say it’s no small honor to help shepherd the Garbage Pail Kids into their first ever comic book,” said Topps’ Adam Levine, Head of Outbound Licensing. “It’s going to be a real treat to see our friends at IDW flesh out the world of the Garbage Pail Kids so that after 30 years we can finally find out who all of these weird little guys are.”


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