Lord of Gore TPB Review


In October 2016 I was introduced to Devil’s Due Publishing and the latest comic series they were introducing was Lord of Gore. This series was different from some of the other comic book series that were going on as it is part mystery and part horror movie. Now the folks over at Devil’s Due Publishing have released a Lord of Gore TPB but is this going to be something that you will want to purchase?

For those that don’t know about Lord of Gore it is a series that takes place at a local horror convention called Gore Con that draws fans from miles around. One of the most successful franchises is named The Headsman who is dressed up as a medieval exceutioner complete with mask. He usually stalks his victims and takes out his aggressions on them in a sadistic fashion. However, there is something else going on as a tape has surfaced and The Headsman is willing to kill anyone that gets in his way. But why? What is on the tape? This starts a series of events where the story starts to unravel and without giving a lot away all I am saying is get ready for a great ride.

There are a few things added to this TPB as it collects the first five issues. It also has the alternate covers from those issues as well and frankly they’re amazing because they parody some of the 80’s horror movie posters. Evil Dead, Maniac and other greats are parodied in these covers and they simply look amazing. There are other sketches and material to round out the book so believe me when I say you are getting your money’s worth with this version.

If you love 80’s horror films as well as a good mystery then you need to go out and pick up the Lord of Gore TPB. For more information on this and other books head over to https://www.devilsdue.net/ and get ready to run from The Headsman.