DIVINITY II – Matt Kindt & Trevor Hairsine’s Sold-Out Sci-Fi Saga Returns in 2016!



DIVINITY concludes in stores today…but the sold-out sci-fi saga of the year is only just beginning! 

Valiant is proud to announce DIVINITY II – a new prestige format limited series continuing the critically acclaimed, much demanded debut of Valiant’s first all-new, headlining character from the minds of New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt and blockbuster artist Trevor Hairsine! Set for release in April 2016, DIVINITY II will reunite Kindt and Hairsine with inker Ryan Winn, colorist David Baron, and cover artists Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic and Tom Muller as Valiant’s all-star creative team reconvenes to deliver a breathtaking new vision of humanity’s next epic encounter with the being called DIVINITY!“DIVINITY has been a bellwether moment in the history of the Valiant Universe,” said Valiant CEO & Chief Creative Officer Dinesh Shamdasani. “DIVINITY’s debut was always part of a much larger plan, but, after five sold-out printings of the first issue, repeated allocations due to fan and retailer demand, and widespread praise from critics in all corners, there is no denying that DIVINITY has exceeded all expectations. This series has established DIVINITY as one of the next great heroes in the Valiant Universe, and DIVINITY II will go even further in building that foundation.”

“Matt Kindt and Trevor Hairsine have created an extraordinary story with DIVINITY, one that has resonated with fans around the world,” said Valiant Editor-in-Chief Warren Simons. “Combined with Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic and Tom Muller’s breathtaking covers, Lewis LaRosa’s wonderful costume design, and the incomparable work of Ryan Winn and David Baron, it’s sci-fi at its best – an innovative, compelling, visually arresting story. DIVINITY was always intended to be a major player in the future and, in the lead-up to his second series, those threads will begin to reveal themselves. This summer alone, the character’s presence will be felt in IMPERIUM and BOOK OF DEATH…but the story that Matt and Trevor have in store for DIVINITY II will be well worth the wait in 2016.”

At the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union – determined to win the Space Race at any cost – green lit a dangerously advanced mission. They sent a man farther into the cosmos than anyone has gone before or since. Lost in the stars, he encountered something unknown. Something that…changed him.

Long thought lost and erased from the history books, he has suddenly returned, crash-landing in the Australian Outback. The few that have been able to reach him believe him to be a deity – one who turned the scorched desert into a lush oasis. They say he can bend matter, space, and even time to his will. Earth is about to meet a new god. And he’s a communist. How long can it be before the first confrontation between mankind and DIVINITY begins?

“DIVINITY is different than any character I’ve ever written before. I thought it would be fun to purposely create a character that is so overpowered – so amazing – that he’s practically a god. The fascinating thing is then creating a scenario and a challenge for him. What can stand against a character like that?” said series writer Matt Kindt. “I’ve been blown away by the response that I’ve gotten online and in-person at conventions – I’m always working to create a story that I think would be fun for me to read, so seeing the enthusiasm that DIVINITY has created has been amazing.

“Now the fun is launching this insane cosmic being into the existing Valiant Universe and seeing what trouble he can cause (or solve) in other books,” he added. “And best of all? We’ve been green lit to do a full-on sequel! I’m super-excited to be joining up with Trevor, Ryan, David, and Jelena for the next chapter — we have an even bigger story in store for next year. DIVINITY is a character that started out as a small idea and blossomed into a character that I have years of ideas for. I’ll be returning for as long as they’ll let me.”

In 2016, the Valiant Universe continues its first encounter with a god-like being held back by the humanity of a man, only in DIVINITY II – an all-new prestige format limited series from master storytellers Matt Kindt and Trevor Hairsine!

Plus: in the wake of DIVINITY #4 (of 4) – in stores today alongside the DIVINITY #1 FOURTH PRINTING and DIVINITY #2 SECOND PRINTING – Abram Adams’ journey through time and space continues on August 5th in IMPERIUM #7 by New York Times best-selling writer Joshua Dysart (HARBINGER, HARBINGER WARS) and fan favorite artist Scot Eaton (Black Panther)! Toyo Harada has collected the monsters that will make his vision of world peace a reality. Now he pursues the most difficult and desirable asset of all – the spaceman with all the powers of a god – the outcast who can rewrite reality with a thought – the man who is no longer a man – the all-powerful being who is simply called DIVINITY!

And catch up on the entirety of Abram Adams’ first appearance and origin with the DIVINITY TPB collection – in stores July 15th! For just $9.99, this intro-priced volume re-presents all four issues of DIVINITY’s sold-out limited series, just in time for DIVINITY II‘s 2016 debut!  With upcoming appearances in IMPERIUMDIVINITY II, and beyond, start at the beginning to discover the seminal arrival of Valiant’s major new force as he reshapes the landscape of the Valiant Universe in comics and beyond in the months and years to come.

For more information, visit Valiant on FacebookTwitterTumblr, and at ValiantUniverse.com.
For Valiant merchandise and more, visit ValiantStore.com.DIVINITY TPB
Written by MATT KINDT
$9.99 | 112 pages | T+ | On sale JULY 15 (FOC – 6/22/15)
ISBN: 978-1-939346-76-6

Cover A by KANO (JUN151620)
Cover B by PERE PEREZ (JUN151621)
Variant Cover by PHILIP TAN (JUN151622)
$3.99 US | 32 pgs. | T+ | On sale AUGUST 5 (FOC – 7/13/2015)

DIVINITY II #1 (of 4)
Written by MATT KINDT 
$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | VALIANT PRESTIGE | Coming APRIL 2016

DIVINITY II – Teaser Image by Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
DIVINITY TPB – Cover by Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
IMPERIUM #7 – Cover A by Kano


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